On the Issue of Rusting in Jianzhan Teacups.

Friends who have used Jianzhan teacups may all care about one question: How could Jianzhan teacups rust?

Is it because Jianzhan teacups are more expensive than other porcelain or because they are more delicate than celadon, white porcelain, and other types of porcelain?

In fact, it is not like that at all. Some Jianzhan teacups may rust, while others may not. It is all determined from the moment the teacup comes out of the kiln.

As previously mentioned, the surface patterns on Jianzhan teacups with oil droplets are precipitated iron crystals, and iron is one of the components of these crystals.

In the air, iron is easily oxidized into brown iron oxide. If the teacup is not wiped dry and cleaned after drinking tea, over time the iron in the precipitated iron crystals will be oxidized by water vapor into Fe3O4, which has a reddish-brown color, also known as rust.

Rust is more easily visible on the rim of a Jianzhan teacup, especially on oil droplet teacups. Most oil droplet teacups on the market currently are not glazed, so they cannot isolate oxygen and water vapor (thus making them more prone to developing a patina, as they are easily adsorbed).

However, most rabbit hair teacups are glazed, so the possibility of rusting is almost non-existent (which also makes it very difficult to develop patina).

Important Notes:

For unglazed Jianzhan teacups, remember to wipe them dry after each use and place them in a ventilated area to air dry. For glazed Jianzhan teacups, it is important to keep them dry and avoid soaking them in water, as some glazed teacups may have lower vitrification and can still absorb moisture, leading to rusting.

If you are too lazy to even wipe the teacup dry after use, you can adopt the method of air-drying the teacup upside down and avoid leaving tea in the cup.

A teacup friend asked, "What should I do if rust appears?"

Actually, there is no need to worry. You can maintain the Jianzhan teacup by soaking it in white vinegar and cleaning it normally. After prolonged use, the surface iron crystals on the Jianzhan teacup will gradually wear away, revealing the black glaze and a glossy appearance like that of black pearls.

In daily tea drinking, you will find that the more you use Jianzhan teacups, the more lustrous they become. If they are left unused after only a few uses, they will become dull or even rusted.

In addition, maintaining the cleanliness of utensils is also a responsibility to oneself. Drinking tea stains can lead to cancer.

Utensils have emotions, warmth without sound; when enjoying teacups, prioritize the interest and never forget the original intentions!

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